Customer Testimonials

We work very hard for our customers because nothing pleases us more than helping our clients achieve the dream of affordable home ownership. We want to add you to our list of very satisfied customers.

Read what others have said about working with us:

I could have not asked for a smoother and overall pleasant experience. I am a first time home buyer and my experience was top quality. Would recommend to everyone.


Miami, FL

I could have not asked for a smoother and overall pleasant experience. I am a first time home buyer and my experience was top quality. Would recommend to everyone.


Miami, FL

Lina was amazing to work with for our mortgage! Communication was fantastic throughout the process. My husband and I will definitely be recommending her to our friends and family.


Tamiami, FL

Muy profesional que ayudo mucho. La recomiendo ya que mi mortgage me quedo bajo mejor de lo que esperaba. Hanna es amable y siempre esta disponible 100% recomendada


North Miami Beach, FL

Lina did our multifamily loan. The process was simple and great. I recommend Ameriloans Mortgage. We are planning to keep growing our portfolio and we will contact them again.

liza murrie

Pensacola, FL

I thought of dropping you a thank you note for your amazing services. I wanted to send you a note saying thank you for making our home buying successful. you really helped us in getting a great deal we really appreciate all the time and effort you put into it by keeping us within the loop during the process I am very satisfied with the recent deal between us. I would refer everyone I know to you.

I would like to thank you once again for your honest efforts in getting me exactly what I wanted.

best regards


Ravish Krishnan

Jupiter, FL



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